Show the world you’re proud to be a papertarian and help us take care of the planet.
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When it comes to recycling packaging, it’s really quite simple. Just empty and flatten your boxes before you recycle — you’ll help us get more cardboard back and then we can make new boxes. Easy!
Remove any packing material and product packaging
Take out all that non-paper stuff, like Styrofoam and packing peanuts. It makes flattening the box easier and stops anything we can’t recycle from getting in the way. But recycle any paper-based fillers — we like them.
Safely break down the box at every corner
Unflattened boxes take up valuable space in bins and recycling trucks. Pull or cut through any tape and break down the boxes at every corner until flat. Don’t worry about tape or labels, we can deal with them.
Place the flattened box in your home's recycling bin
Two-thirds of all paper in the U.S. is recaptured through recycling, helping us make new paper and packaging from recycled material. Be a papertarian and make recycling paper part of your daily routine.
Online shopping has increased the number of boxes ending up in our homes, with many heading straight to landfills. By becoming a proud papertarian and making recycling boxes second nature, you can help take care of the planet!
a person who lives a paper-based lifestyle, including choosing paper products and practicing proper recycling
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Papertarians understand the positive impact that small, everyday choices have on our forests and the environment.
Follow these five easy, practical tips to make recycling an automatic part of your daily routine.
Like the cotton fibers that make up your jeans, the fibers that make up paper and corrugated boxes can be reused — up to 7 times! By becoming a papertarian, you’re giving paper and boxes new life.
Show the world you’re proud to be a papertarian and help us take care of the planet.
Take PledgeVisit to learn more about how your choices help you become a force for nature!
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